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Hualien touts three new food treaures



To more fully practice low-carbon tourism, the East Rift National Scenic Area Administration recently launched three new food ingredients that are of royal quality. Such are the cherry duck of Yuli, Chinese sturgeon which was loved by Empress Dowager Ci Xi of the Qing Dynasty, and superb "Wang Shih" pork studied by Canadian and Japanese experts.

In Sanmin District, Yuli, the Chinese sturgeons are kept in toxin-free, organic ponds filled with clear water from the Xiuguluan River. Samin's fish farms are therefore hailed as the best of their kinds. Cherry duck farmers also use the running water of the Xiuguluan River to raise ducks. The ducks are always under good care and never fed with antibiotics; hence consumers can be sure the duck is natural and healthy. Wang Shih refers to pig houses protected by nets, so that no wild birds or insects may bring germs in. Likewise, the pigs are free of antibiotics, meaning Wang Shih pork is truly good for health.

The Administration head noted that a culinary forum will be held in December to help local restaurant owners make the best of these three food ingredients. Visitors to the East Rift Valley can soon expect to find delicious dishes made with "the three new treaures" of Hualien. They are encouraged to try some of these beautifully arranged, tastebuds-inspiring meals by then, and feel their bodies nurtured and minds relaxed.


