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Real-time blossom status - A bird's eye view of Chike Mountain's daylily blossom



The hot summer from August to September is the season of daylily blossoms in the east rift valley. To provide visitors with firsthand information of the blossom status, the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "Administration") specially sets up high resolution cameras combined with Chunghwa Telecom's Fiber optic network on Chike Mountain to livestream "Chike Mountain's real-time daylily blossom status". With the moving camera, its clear and vivid image-streaming is able to cater to visitors' requirements and arouse their interest in visiting. Visitors may also refer to the real-time information, such as the mountain's weather, road condition, etc., before setting off.

As Chike Mountain has a vast terrain, the streaming will concentrate on the surrounding landscape of the Little Switzerland. Through the cameras, one can see the seas of golden-yellow flowers, with picturesque views of hilly terrain and lush forest at a near distance, and the contrasting blue sky and white clouds at the far end. The livestreaming also enables those who are unable to visit due to work to enjoy the comforting effect of the picturesque sea of daylily in the mountains. Do put your desire into action, as when you visit Chike Mountain for the flower blossom, you will be treated with "Chike Daylily Wonderland" which is specially designed by Yu Xi Farmer's Association. The sea of daylily is transformed into a fairy tale Alice in Wonderland scene, to enrich visitors' travel experience.

2020 is Taiwan's "Year of Mountain Tourism." Daylily Festival in Chike Mountain and Mountain Talampo has remained a well-known event in Taiwan over the years, but visitors often found the trip inconvenient due to climate and road conditions in the past. To provide better service, the Administration sets up live streaming service for those who intend to visit, are going to visit, or long to visit, to obtain information of the blossom status through the cameras at all times, so that they can be well-prepared for a beautiful autumn trip in eastern Taiwan.