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"East Rift Valley Festival - Tribal Food Paradise" 3D Tribal Food Tour 🍁



"East Rift Valley Festival - Tribal Food Paradise" 3D Tribal Food Tour
"East Rift Valley Festival - Tribal Food Paradise" 3D Tribal Food Tour🍁
    "East Rift Valley Festival — Tribal Food Paradise", organized by The East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "Administration"), will be held on April 3rd and April 4, 2021 (Saturday, Sunday) from 2 pm to 8 pm, at Luoshan Visitor Center in Fuli Township of Hualien County. More than 20 indigenous tribes will be participating in the event, which is divided into six main zones: "Wild Hunting Ground", "mumu Kitchen", "Aesthetic House", "Limited Picnic", "Valley Stage" and "Bazaar", with activities ranging from tribal outdoor life to home decoration, presenting tribal daily life and food culture with more depth and breadth.

    "East Rift Valley Festival — Tribal Food Paradise" is the only event this year where the public can experience a wide variety of tribal food. The event is participated by East Rift Valley region's indigenous tribes, including Amis, Bunun, Sediq, Taroko, Pinuyumayan, etc. Alisan's Tsou tribe and Taitung's Paiwan tribe are also invited to the event. Food serves as a means of getting to know tribal culture, ranging from tribal survival skills to household living, which include tribal delicacies, aesthetics, music and featured crafts. On the day of opening, Kaadaadaan's Kapi is specially invited to welcome the guests using Amis traditional bamboo cannon. There will also be tribal songs and dance performed by young tribal men and women from Mi'aputr Cultural and Arts Troupe. The first 50 visitors will receive a Pinaski tribe's handmade head wreath, and have the chance to dance with the dance troop.

    Top graphic designer Akibo and Paiwan artist Cudjuy Maljugau are invited to design the event's settings and venue decoration, where they integrate modern and simple style with the traditional tribal elements, giving each zone a unique characteristic. In the hunter's competition, participants get to learn archery, spear throwing, and setting up traps to catch wild boars from Bunun hunters. Wilderness survival is moved to "Wild Hunting Ground", where participants experience the reality of survival in the forest. In "mumu Kitchen", participants will gain a deep understanding of "avai", a Pinuyumayan tribe's rice culture and tribal eating style. In "Aesthetic House", participants learn to make the exclusive coffee bamboo filter from Amis tribe's Kasa'sa'an, and can bring the tribal craft home. In "Limited Picnic", participants enjoy a feast served by Amis Chef and Bunun Chef Uninang, well-known for his wild food cuisines. "Valley Stage" specially invites artists Ado, Biung, Tulbus Mangququ and Dushiku to sing for the public. There will also be Kanding Bunun Early Music Ensemble's 8-part harmony, where visitors can experience the profound traditional tribal music.

    In addition, in line with the event, there will be three types of combo tickets for pre-order, beginning 5:30pm on March 9th. The limited combo tickets include "One-day Fun Ticket", "Grilled Set Meal for Two" and "Feast on Paddy Field". If you love the indigenous people's culture and foodies, do join this grand spring event during the Ching Ming Festival holiday! The 360-degree full day 3D tribal food tour experience awaits you!

