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Travelling around East Longitudinal Valley at ease - Top-grade public toilets offer the best experience.



The quality of public toilets is a fundamental of travel services, and it is also an important part of tourists' experience during their journey. East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC ( hereinafter the Headquarters), following MOTC's 2021 Public Toilet Service Quality Improvement Plan, actively conducted hardware and facility repair and update, public toilet beautification, painting, and accessibility improvement; and achieved the goal of improving the service quality of public toilets to meet the standards of excellent quality.
In addition to men’s and ladies’ restrooms, North Liyu Lake public toilets are also equipped with accessible and family restrooms.
Kuo Cheng-ling, Director of the Headquarters, stated that in addition to hardware upgrades, the software side i.e., cleaning and maintenance of public toilets is also highly important. The Headquarters organized three training seminars in November and December for cleaning staff in the North, Central, and South districts. Experts were invited to share the advanced methods of public toilet cleaning and maintenance. Invitations were extended to tourism operators and related government agencies in East Longitudinal Valley that are involved in public toilet maintenance and management such as the township offices and farmers’ associations, to discuss and exchange knowledge about public toilet management and quality control. It is hoped that all units can work together to provide tourists with the most convenient and friendly toilet environment during their journey.
Representatives of disability care associations, experts, and scholars from Hualien and Taitung counties provided guidance on enhancing the friendliness of accessible public toilet facilities.
It is worth mentioning that the North Liyu Lake public toilet in North District of the Valley is a brand new facility that was completed and opened in 2021. The roof has a curved slope design that removes edges and corners to provide visitors with a sense of intimacy and integration with the landscape. The roof and walls are widened and heightened, addressing the needs for ventilation and privacy. The spacious and bright environment offers a five-star experience to tourists. At Luoshan Visitor Center in South District of Hualien, electric sliding doors and nursing beds have been set up in the accessible public toilets to provide friendly services to visitors with disabilities. At the southernmost point of Taiwan, the Headquarters hosted the 2021 Universal Tourism Design Conference at Beinan Visitor Center in Taitung County. Representatives from disability care associations, experts, and scholars were invited to advise on improving the friendliness of accessible public toilets and the overall public toilet service quality in the East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area.
The public toilets under the jurisdiction of East Rift Valley Administration have reached the goal of excellent quality in 2021.

