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Luye Highland Live Cam

Luye Township
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Luye Highland Live Cam

Luye Highland has a superb view of the entire highland area and the fields at the bottom of Beinan River valley. June to August is the perfect time for hot air balloon activities at Luye Highland. Ride the hot air balloon and slowly ascend. Indulge yourself in the beautiful scenery of the East Rift Valley. Experience the excitement of flying in the sky yourself.

Follow the signs from Longtian Village all the way to the Highland. You will notice the terrain gradually becomes steep. Not far after the Highland Tea Center, a wide grassy slope immediately comes into view. Climb up from here to the pavilion at the top of the grassy slope. You will find the scenery of the entire highland area and Valley right in front of your eyes.

In summer every year, the grand Taiwan International Hot Air Balloon Festival and Night Glow concert are held, attracting visitors from all over the world to participate. The hot air balloon tethered flight experience, hot air balloon free flight performance, and the splendid Night Glow concerts and Sunrise Night Glow concerts will all be unforgettable experiences.
