2020 Challenge Taiwan 國際鐵人三項競賽

活動日期 2020-11-14~2020-11-15
在2019 Challenge Taiwan賽事之後,Challenge Taiwan團隊希望將2019不足的地方提升,帶給選手們另外不同的參賽體驗以及family嘉年華台東的概念深植在每位選手的心中。
Challenge Taiwan團隊將Challenge賽事帶來台灣、將持續對於三鐵運動的熱愛,並將各位對於Challenge Taiwan的支持轉化成不斷進步的動力,期待能繼續將賽事帶向更高品質,延續最佳的賽事體驗。將針對賽道不斷進行優化,提升終點嘉年華的美好回憶,完美結合三鐵賽事的汗水努力、親朋好友的熱情支持,以及台東的好山好水人情味。
一、主辦單位: 台灣鐵人三項運動發展協會
項目(限時) 游泳 自行車 路跑
226全程距離 3.8km(2:30) 180km(8:00) 42km(6:30)
113半程距離 1.9km(1:30) 90km(4:00) 21km(3:30)
51.5標準賽 1.5km(0:50) 40km(1:40) 10km(1:30)
【 2020 賽事延期公告 (一) 】
Challenge Taiwan 掌握新型冠狀病毒疫情最新消息,為尊重疾病管制署防疫措施並維護選手安全,CT賽事將延期2020/11/14 - 15。
*所有選手報名資格轉移至11月份賽事,若無法參加而選擇要退費的選手,請於2020/3/16 前填寫以下表單申請:退費申請表單填寫
退費流程大約需30個工作日 ,大會將全額退費(不含報名手續費),超過2020/3/16 申請將不再受理。
*Challenge Taiwan感謝選手的支持,大鐵人(226/113/51.5)延賽選手我們將於11月賽事會場贈送延賽禮 - We Have A Deal防水包。
*Challenge Taiwan 於原訂日期 4/25-26 將舉辦「第一屆線上Challenge Taiwan 鐵人三項賽事」,敬請期待最新消息!
選手們也記得持續保持適量訓練、均衡飲食及充足睡眠,與我們一起對抗戰疫,We Have A Deal,11月一起回家比賽💪
*如有任何賽事問題歡迎來信 help@challenge-taiwan.com
【 Race Deferrals Announcement 】
Due to COVID-19 outbreak and we care the safety of the athletes, Challenge Taiwan 2020 will be postponed to 14-15th November, 2020.
All registered athletes of Challenge Taiwan 2020 will have their race registration automatically deferred to the new race date. For those who are unable to attend the event can apply for a full refund . Please fill in personal information https://reurl.cc/yZ18oa (before 16th March, application will be accepted after this date). The refund would take about 30 business days.
For the athletes who will join to the November event, we will give away a Challenge Taiwan waterproof dry bag. (Olympic, Half, Full Distance only).
We will hold the first “Challenge Taiwan online triathlon” on 25-26th April. Please follow up the race official website and Facebook page for more information.
The official and recommend hotel can provide full refund arrangement or defer to 14-15th November. Third-party hotel booking platform is not included in this situation.
We wish every athlete can keep on training with balanced diet to prevent infected. We Have A Deal to meet you all in November.
*If there's any questions, please contact: help@challenge-taiwan.com